Baby's First Year | Baby Milestone Sessions

A baby’s first year is arguably the most important year of their life. This is their foundational year. This is when they begin learning the behaviors and the skills they will need to survive in this world.

With that being said, it is no surprise there are many books written about this time in a baby’s life. These stages, or milestones, have many chapters written about them. Chapters written about when baby will begin teething, crawling, walking, making bubbles, and many more skills that us adults will ooo and ahh and coo over. Milestones that parents flock to social media to share with their family and friends about. In fact, I have seen many parents use their social media accounts as an online album of sorts, so that they can go back and look at their pictures (their memories) in the years to come.

Social media… This has me thinking, will our current social media platforms still be around when we pass on? Will Facebook and Instagram and Twitter outlive us… and our children? If they go away, and their upload quality for pictures is not great, then how are we going to access our great quality photos and share them with our children and their children and so forth? Am I saying don’t share images on your social media? Absolutely not. What I am saying is to continue doing what you were doing… and MORE!

We not only need our precious images on our phones and socials, we need hard copies. Whether in an album or on the walls. This is where I come in! If you will allow me, I would love nothing more than to capture your precious baby’s milestone sessions, whether we are talking one or two sessions (or three!). I love working with babies, and love being able to participate in the celebration of your little one’s milestones. To be able to walk alongside you in this journey, taking note of how they have grown, the details that have changed, the personality that is developing and more.

My Canton photography studio is set up with props, seating, and more to make you comfortable during our session. If you would like, connect with me today to see how I can best help you freeze-frame these milestone moments.


Baby's First Year | Smash Cake Session


Favorite Vendor Highlight | Charcuterie Boards