Studio Newborn Session | Baby Gracey

One of my favorite things about being a photographer is being able to work with babies on a pretty consistent basis. Being able to celebrate the birth of a baby, celebrate milestones reached, first birthdays and beyond is a true honor…one that I do not take lightly. Being able to use my creativity, play with colors, play with lighting and play with baby posing is so much fun. And of course, being able to take in that amazing baby smell just fills my heart with joy!

I recently had a mama question why studio sessions are so long (2-3 hours). She was concerned that it was just too much. While I understand the timeframe can seem daunting, it is so much easier to allow us all to take a breath, release it and relax into what baby will allow. Not to mention, I do provide a charcuterie board to snack on and drinks, plus access to a full bathroom. So, you literally only need to bring what you need for baby to the session.

She saw this need for time in action during her session. With baby having ridden to the studio in the car, odds are that baby has settled into a sweet little sleep that will be interrupted as soon as he/she is pulled from the carseat. Add to that, undressing baby and changing the diaper, baby is fully awake now and probably searching for milk. By the time baby has been fed and needs are addressed, we are a full 15-20 minutes into session time (if not more!)

Not only that, sometimes it takes a few minutes for baby to settle, so that the portraits may begin. Follow that with the fact that some babies are super reactive, which means every time they are touched or a strange noise happens they jerk awake/startle. It can be a vicious cycle that we fight throughout the session. If we are concerned with time, tension and anxiety rises, mistakes are made, and injuries are possible.

All of this to say, I allow time for us to walk through the session with calm and joy (and maybe a nap for you!) I will never sacrifice safety of baby or you for a picture. I will take my time to make sure baby is safe and the picture is done right, so that you receive a gallery you want to share and treasure always. If that sounds like amazing to you and you are ready to chat, let’s connect today! I would love to be your photographer!


Maternity Session | Kristy


Studio Newborn Session | Baby Everett